The Niesenbahn
In just 30 minutes on the pyramid. Every 30 minutes.
Derzeit verkehrt die Niesenbahn täglich im Halbstundentakt.
Simple cours
Erwachsene | mit Reduktion (GA, Halbtax und Kinder 6-15.99 Jahre) | |
Hin- und Rückfahrt: Mülenen – Niesen Kulm – Mülenen | 64.– | 32.– |
Einfache Fahrt: Mülenen – Niesen Kulm oder Niesen Kulm – Mülenen | 40.– | 20.– |
Wanderbillett: 3 Sektionen fahren, 1 Sektion wandern Sektionen frei wählbar | 51.– | 25.50 |
Accessible to the Niesen
Guests with limited mobility are welcome here. Ramps in the valley and middle station as well as two lifts in the top station make the trip up the mountain easier.

Sustainability at the Niesenbahn
Three-dimensionally sustainable means “careful” with regard to guests and employees, “successful” with regard to profitability and financial success, “forward-looking” with regard to the environment and climate protection.
The story of the Niesenbahn
26 August 1906 was the first working day for the construction of the funicular railway up the Niesen. By 1910, an average of over 200 men were working on this demanding structure. At that time, neither cranes nor helicopters were available. An auxiliary construction made of wood and the manual labour of the workers made this difficult construction possible. On 15 July 1910, the Niesenbahn opened for business and the first guests were transported up the Niesen.